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The Beginning of an Italian Journey for Danylo
My first month in Italy as part of the volunteering program at Politiche Giovanili went by really fast.
"La dolce vita" - Aya's first impression about Italy
Hello! I'm Aya from Egypt. A 24-year-old pharmacy graduate.It’s my first experience at Europe (and in Italy!), so many things are new to me and I can’t wait to see snow for the first time!
Lukas - ESC volunteer in Pergine
Hi, I’m Lukas from Germany. I am currently 19 years old and just graduated from high school earlier this year.
“Un giorno, una vita" - l'inizio dell'esperienza ESC...
My name is Naomé, I'm 20 and I'm doing my voluntary work with Inco and Civici13 in Trento, Italy. I'm staying with 4 other people in a flat in Pergine.
Pieces of my heart all over the world
Hii, Im Giovanna, a 23 years old from Italy and I just finished my 9 months project in Portugal.