Blog dei volontari volunteer

Spazio collaborativo aperto alla condivisione di esperienze tra volontari.

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To my experience I can say:

Alina Volunteer Bolzano Servizio Civile Internazionale
Alina, who arrived in september 2019 and decided to extend her International Civil Service, shares her experience which she describes as: "The best decision of my life". 


Sagar Ghimire Volunteer Trento
Sagar has recently arrived from Nepal and after being quarentined for two weeks he has had the opportunity to start working and experiencing Trento 

From the train going back home

Juliette L'her Volunteer Trento
Juliette came back home for Christmas, she wrote in the blog after being in Trento for a couple of weeks. Now, after two months in Trento, she reflects on the experience so far. 

Home alone has always been my favourite Christmas movie...

Reme Torrico volunteer Trento
Reme, a spanish volunteer in Trento since last October, updates us on what she's been doing this months and how she's planning to spend her Christmas holidays during this strange year. 


Marta Forcada Trento Inco Volunteer
Marta shared how her experience has gone so far, dealing with a new reality and the country's retrictions due to COVID19. 

The uncertainty of being a volunteer abroad

Leah Maisenbacher Trento Inco Volunteer
Leah a german volunteer, had a few complications at the beginning of her volunteering experience in Bolzano; but soon found out that she would make the most out of her 5 unexpected days at Trento.