“Immer mit dem Gefälle !” Blog dei volontari
Hey, my name is Bjarne. I’m 19 years old and from Germany. After graduating from high school this summer, I chose to spend a year volunteering abroad. Italy was my top choice, as I’ve always wanted to learn this language in particular and have always been fascinated by Italian culture.

Currently, I am working at „Comenius Secondary School“ in Cognola with children between the ages of 11 and 14 years. At school, my main role is to support English and German classes. Furthermore, I am presenting my culture to the students, answering their questions, and offering extra assistance to those who need it. It’s really interesting to witness how schools operate here and to compare it with my own school experience in Germany. The biggest difference up to this point: The volume in class ;) Besides, since I arrived, I had the opportunity to meet a lot of people and numerous of them I call my friends now. Some places in Trentino are among the most beautiful I have seen (so far), and I hope there’s even more to come ! Anyway, I go with the flow and see what follows !
A presto :)