The best decision! Blog dei volontari
Ciao, I’m Klaudia! I come from Poland and I had my volunteering experience in Molfetta, little town in Apulia region. The decision about participating in the project and coming to Italy was very sudden and spontaneous for me, I’ve never planned to do that before. To be honest I didn’t know that opportunity like that existed so I’m glad that after the research, I found it. I came with no expectations so the journey I had here surprised me on many different levels.

Right at the beginning I fell in love with Italy, with the culture, language, food, places, people. At first everything was so exotic for me: palm trees on the streets, closeness to the sea, foods that I’ve never tried before but now I cannot imagine my life without it…
I had the chance to see how the Italian teacher’s job looks like because I was volunteering in one of the high-schools. Working with teenagers was challenging but at the same time full of laugh and joy.
Being here I could not only use my English on a daily basis but also learn Italian. After 5 months I can say that I understand and communicate in that language!
Also here in Italy I got to travel a loooot. I visited so many cities and towns and I saw a huge amount of breathtaking views.
Last but not least - people. Most of us spoke different language, came from different backgrounds, had different habits and beliefs. All of us different but all open-minded and willing to do the same thing which connected us and created so many beautiful friendships and relations!
To sum up, coming here was the greatest decision in my life. Apparently I got to love Italy that much that I want to stay here after the project! I created so many beautiful memories that will stay with me forever. ❤️