V. day: Every rain is followed by sun Blog dei volontari
We started the fifth day earlier than usually. We went to the city to visit two job agencies, Umana and Eures. In Umana, we discussed about what to write in our CVs and what we should and shouldn't do during job interviews. After that, we went to Eures, where we talked about how to find a job in the European Union using their websites.

We were a bit disappointed because this program does not include our country since it is not in the EU. But, also, we gained some useful information about how to improve our skills through non-formal education, voluntary work, etc.
We wanted to go to the lake, but since it was raining we decided to stay downtown and enjoy Italian coffee and do some shopping, too.
In the evening, we had the Spanish dinner which we really liked, especially because it was a long time since some of us ate Spanish food. We couldn't decide which meal was the best because we really liked everything!
The best part of the day was to go to the bar after dinner. We spent some time getting to know each other better and everyone went to sleep happy! :)
Amina, Milan and Moke from Bosnia