ESC - Comenius school

Teaching is your future career? Would you like to volunteer in an elementary and middle school supporting teachers, pupils and children with special needs?
Join the European Solidarity Corps and become part of the Comenius School teachers team for 10 months starting from September 2025!
Coordinating organization
Associazione InCo - Interculturalità & Comunicazione
From September 2025 for 10 months.
Host organization
The Comprehensive School "J.A. Comenius"
The Comprehensive School "J. A. Comenius" is composed of 3 primary schools, a middle school and a school with special teaching.
Pupils are 1003, teachers are 134, secretaries are 9, school collaborators are 15 and there is 1 computer technician.
The Institute is particularly attentive to multilingualism: since 2005 there is a Memorandum of Understanding with the Land Tirol (Austria) that provides native teachers from Innsbruck (AT) for the creation of eight classes with several subjects taught in Geman. Since last year, subjects are taught in German also in other 4 classes of the primary school. The Trilingualism Plan promoted by the Autonomous Province of Trento foresees an extension of the CLIL offer to the primary and middle school of the province The majority of the students of the middle school obtained the language certificates in English and/or German (FIT2 and KET, level A2 and DSD1 – certificate of the German Ministry. In the frame of the Twinning project betweend the Autonomous Province of Trenti and the Land Tirol the institue promotes the following activities:
- Language training (German and English) for teachers of Non linguistic subject of the middle school who wish to continue the path started in CLIL at the primary school
- Linguistic and methodological training for CLIL teachers (for the English and German languages) of primary and secondary schools, to strengthen their skills in multilingual teaching and to promote the inclusion of all pupils
- Methodological training in relation to ICT and innovative teaching approaches for the development of the basic and trasversal skills of students developing also their creativity The teachers are available to innovations and experiments, especially regarding linguistic and methodological aspects, promoting an experimental teaching methodology aimed at the development of students' competences and abilities necessaru in an international educational and professional context.
The Institute “J.A: Comenius” promotes school inclusion by:
- giving value to cultural differences present in the Institute through intercultural trainings;
- offering workshops in small groups for students facing learning difficulties;
- offering workshop of “making” giving value to students' abilities and skills to avoid
- drop-outs and early school leavingfavouring students' creativity and entrepreneurship through the participation in projects such as "Trentino Young scientist Challenge".
Proposed activities for the volunteer/s
- In the middle school:
- organization of specific events such as Christmas Party or the End of Year Party;
- support for computer workshops;
- activities with the students inside the optional units such as chess tournaments;
- participation in art workshops as well as in carpentry, music, tailoring, cooking workshops;
- participation in planning meetings with teachers.
- In the primary school:
- support in the organization of special events such as: Festival of Trees, spring games, Christmas Party);
- support in the organization of activities between the bilingual classes of the Institute and their twinned classes;
- support for pupils with special educational needs or for students with disabilities;
- support in the performance of duties during the optional afternoons;
- implementation of recreational activities in the afternoon and the optional Giocastudiamo;
- participation in meetings with class representatives.
General activities volunteers will participate in:
- different tours, such as visits to museums, monuments and cities;
- realization of cultural and linguistic workshops;
- English and German lessons and interact in one of two languages to show the importance for students to learn a foreign language;
- involvement in coordination activities to promote continuity between kindergarten and primary school and between primary school and secondary school;
- communication and promotion activities: update the website of the school, prepare flyers for specific events;
- an Italian language course;
- participation in the InCo monitoring meetings.
Number of volunteers needed
2 volunteers
Requirements to participate
You need to be aged between 18 and 30 years old.
You don't need any previous experience or training in order to become a volunteer and carry on your activities in the Comprehensive School "J. A. Comenius". Just be curious, open-minded and highly motivated!
Food, accommodation and pocket money
The volunteers will live inside a flat with single or shared room in the city of Trento.
Regarding the food, the volunteers will go to lunch at the school canteen and will receive an allowance for the evening, weekends and holidays.
Volunteers will receive a transport card from Trentino Trasporti allowing them to travel free throughout the Province of Trento.
Pocket money, according to the ESC guide standards in Italy are 180 euro per months (6 euro per day).
What you need to do to apply
For any information write an email to:
If you want to apply, you can choose between two options:
a) fill out this online Application form (via Google Forms)
b) if you prefer not to use Google Forms to send your application, please download this form , fill out every section, sign it and then send it together with your CV and motivation letter to