ESC - Asif Chimelli

Would you like to learn how to become a youth worker? Volunteer in a youth center with young people, and help organizing & implementing activities!  

Join the European Solidarity Corps and become part of ASIF Chimelli's team for 11 months starting from September 2025!

Ente/i partner

Coordinating organization

Associazione InCo - Interculturalità & Comunicazione

Pergine Valsugana (Trento), Italy

From September 2025 for 11 months

Organizzazione ospitante

ASIF Chimelli  is a public body created by Pergine Valsugana Municipality on September, 1st, 2009 to manage all social services for local population from 0 to 30 years of age with pedagogical and administrative staff.

Concerning children, ASIF Chimelli manages 3 kindergartens and 3 nursery schools, as well as various initiatives aimed at children and families.

For the range 11- 30 the organization supervises the municipality youth policies, including several projects and services aimed at young people. Among these services, the most important are “Piano Giovani di Zona di Pergine Valsugana e della Valle del Fersina (PGZ)” and the youth center “#Kairos Giovani”.

PGZ is a public instrument of the local autonomies aimed at promoting actions for youths aged between 11 and 35, and to raise awareness for a positive and proactive attitude to this category of citizens. 

The youth center #KAIROS GIOVANI is a structure open to the entire community, with a specific mission aimed at youth policies. #KAIROS Giovani is first of all a meeting space for young people aged between 11 and 25 years, where girls and boys can meet and participate in various activities and projects with the coordination and the presence of qualified adults. The educational equipe has specific skills either in the educational management, or in creative and musical activities, sports, non- formal education and social issues.

The volunteer will work most of the time in the youth center, and s/he or she will be trained in the relationship with teenagers and will receive a specific formation concerning all the different activities.

The volunteer will also be involved in the activities of the web site “Sportello Ti do una dritta” the main instrument of the local youth policies which manages all the information concerning the opportunities for the young people on local, national and international level. “Ti do una dritta” main tasks are: spreading projects proposed or aimed at young people, promoting a concrete link between youth and the institutions and encouraging active citizenship. 

The volunteers will be involved in the creation of the weekly newsletter, in the updating of the website and in lots of different activities of promotion. The #Kairos Center hosts events a the music school “Rising Power”, co-working, courses, meetings, concerts, parties end cultural events: all these activities will improve with the opening of the #Kairos Bar, a family café located in the building which will open in the next few months.

Since 2014, InCo and ASIF Chimelli have built a partnership to host international volunteers. Both associations are convinced that the presence of international volunteers contributes in enriching youngsters’ quality of life by bringing fresh energy and new ideas addressed to the users of the centre.


Proposed activities for the volunteer/s

The volunteer will be involved in the daily activities of ASIF Chimelli and in particular:

  1. The youth center #KAIROS: the volunteer will be involved in the activities of the youth center for youths aged from 11 to 19 years old. The center is open from Monday to Friday from 2.30 pm to 7 pm and the Friday evening from 8.30 pm to 10.30 pm. S/he will support educators in the management of the afternoons organizing activities and suggesting some new ones. Indeed, volunteers will be encouraged to implement some workshops based on their own skills and interests such as musical, language, manual-artistic or other type of workshops. Part of the activities of the center #Kairos is also implemented in the territory. An educator is in charge of going from places to parks in the city to en - courage youths who do not normally attend the youth center to visit it. Volunteers will be encouraged to take part in this type of activities too supporting the educator in promoting the activities of the youth center.
  2. The youth offices: volunteers will support the responsible of youth policies in the management and promotion of the annual local youth plan (Piano Giovani di Zona) and of other projects addressed to youths (target 11-30 years-old), as well as in the networking with other organizations of the territory active in the field of youth. In each case volunteers will be a testimony of what it means to be a European volunteer and will be encouraged to promote this opportunity among the youths. More specifically the ESC volunteer will support the responsible during the opening hours of the "Sportello Gioventù" which promotes youth policies at a local level, with an updated web site and a weekly newsletter, giving information about the different opportunities youths can experiment.

Volunteers will support the staff in the preparation of specific events to promote the different opportunities for youths. ASIF Chimelli is open to any proposal or suggestion made by the volunteer in regard to enriching the daily activities planned for guests. Once the volunteer has been assigned to the project, her/his activities will be planned more specifically according to the needs of the centre and to the wishes and the capacity of the volunteer.

Numero di posti

3 volunteers

Termine ultimo di adesione al progetto
Requisiti per partecipare

You need to be aged between 18 and 30 years old.

You don't need any previous experience or training in order to become a volunteer and carry on your activities in Asif Chimelli. Just be curious, open-minded and highly motivated!


Food, accommodation and pocket money

You will get free accommodation for the whole duration of your voluntary service. In #Kairos’ building is located an apartment with eight beds, bathroom, kitchens and all the facilities, designed to host all the national and international volunteers involved in projects with ASIF Chimelli as hosting organization. The volunteer will live in the apartment with other volunteers, in a very international environment, after signing the rules of the apartment. ASIF Chimelli will provide pillows, blankets and sheets. However, you will have to bring with you hairdryer and towels which are not provided by the receiving organization. Internet is NOT foreseen as a service the volunteer will have free access from the room.

As to food, from Monday to Friday you will eat some days within ASIF Chimelli schools and some days in the canteen of the rest home. Eating at the rest home is an opportunity for you both to stay with the other volunteers hosted in the field of another programme and an opportunity to see another structure of the territory.

As to dinnersbreakfasts, and weekends, you will receive money to buy groceries and cook your own food.

Pocket money, according to the ESC guide standards in Italy are 180 euro per months (6 euro per day).

Cosa fare per candidarti

What you need to do to apply

For any information write an email to:

If you want to apply, you can choose between two options:

a) fill out this online form: APPLICATION  (via Google Forms)

b) if you prefer not to use Google Forms to send your application, please download this form , fill out every section, sign it and then send it together with your CV and motivation letter to

Informazioni su programma