ESC - Centro Trentino Solidarietà

Would you like to volunteer in the field of assistance, care, entertainment & implementation of activities for people who suffer from addiction?
Join the European Solidarity Corps and become part of the C.T.S.: Centro Trentino di Solidarietà for 12 months starting from September 2024!
Coordinating organization
Associazione InCo - Interculturalità & Comunicazione
From September 2024 for 12 months
Host organization
CTS - Centro Trentino Solidarietà
The “Centro Trentino di Solidarietà” – CTS, was funded in 1984 and was dedicated exclusively with the problem of heroin addiction, opening a residential community.
During the following years, there was an evolution of the problem to new kinds of addiction and a significant increase of the phenomenon of alcoholism in local area; with those complex patients it was necessary to change and specialize the ways and means of intervention. There was then established a therapeutic project.
Since the year 2000, CTS also operates a hosting house for people with AIDS (“Casa Lamar”). This structure provides assistance to guests throughout the day, offering a friendly safe and organized environment, a healthy food and comfortable accommodation and the opportunity for healing and growth from a human, cultural and spiritual point of view. Casa Lamar is located in Via Alto Adige n. 20, Trento, and there are currently 9 people using these services.
Proposed activities for the volunteer/s
The volunteers will be involved in the activities of Casa Lamar:
- Accompany the guests to have walks outside
- Organize "Cineforum" (movie time for the guests)
- Be involved in the activities of the house (cooking, gardening, housework, etc.)
- Organize recreational activities
- Organize parties, murder mistery dinner and other public events.
Number of volunteers needed
2 volunteers
Requirements to participate
You need to be aged between 18 and 30 years old and you must be an EU citizen.
You don't need any previous experience or training in order to become a volunteer and carry on your activities in CTS. Just be curious, open-minded and highly motivated!
Food, accommodation and pocket money
The volunteers will live inside a flat with single or shared room in the city of Trento.
Volunteers will have the opportunity to have lunch within the communities during their working day. Regarding the other meals of the day, as well as the meals during the weekends, volunteers will have the possibility to take all the food they need to cook in the kitchen of the communities where they will prepare their food autonomously.
Our staff is always available to meet volunteer's needs and to satisfy them when it is possible.
Regarding transportation, volunteers will get a transport card as soon as they arrive. The card allows them to travel for free in the whole Province of Trento. It is important to underline that public transports in the Province work very well.
Pocket money, according to the ESC guide standards in Italy are 180 euro per months (6 euro per day).
What you need to do to apply
For any information write an email to:
If you want to apply, you can choose between two options:
a) fill out this online Application form (via Google Forms)
b) if you prefer not to use Google Forms to send your application, please download this form , fill out every section, sign it and then send it together with your CV and motivation letter to