Would you like to volunteer in the field of organization, implementation of games, workshops and cultural activities for young people & children?
Join the European Solidarity Corps and become part of the VKE's team for 12 months starting from September 2025!
Coordinating organization
Associazione InCo - Interculturalità & Comunicazione
From September 2025 for 12 months
Host organization
VKE is an association of volunteers, founded in Bolzano in 1974 by a group of parents, who wanted to dedicate themselves to emphasizing children's and young people's right to play and creating playing areas for them, but also to the improvement of children's life quality, as well as that of the youth and their families in general. The main activities of VKE are:
- "Spielbus/Ludobus" a small bus with several games to visit the different communities of the Province of Bolzano offering children the opportunity to play and learn together.
- "SpielHaus/CasaGioco" is a small house for the promotion of the free time where children can find different games.
- "Estate Ragazzi VKE" are summer camps for children aged between 3 and 14 years.
Proposed activities for the volunteer/s
The volunteers' tasks could be summarized as following:
- participation in the organization and implementation of games in the frame of the "Spielbus/Ludobus" and of the game centers (“Spielhaus/Centri Giochi”);
- support in the organization and development of summer centers;
- organization and realization of workshops about their own country or about Europe;
- organization of intercultural activities together with the other volunteers;
- raising awareness about the youths' right to play;
- participation in the team-meetings and in the monthly supervision with the other volunteers;
- promotion of new activities and projects connected with the voluntary service, for example presentation of the EVS to young people of the territory.
Number of volunteers needed
2 volunteers
Requirements to participate
You need to be aged between 18 and 30 years old.
You don't need any previous experience or training in order to become a volunteer and carry on your activities in VKE. Just be curious, open-minded and highly motivated!
Food and accommodation
You will get free accommodation for the whole duration of your voluntary service. You will live in a single room in a shared flat, with laundry facilities and a fully equipped kitchen with cooking facilities. You will share the apartment with other volunteers.
You will get a food allowance to cover your food expenditures.
Pocket money, according to the ESC guide standards in Italy are 180 euro per months (6 euro per day).
What you need to do to apply
For any information write an email to:
If you want to apply, you can choose between two options:
a) fill out this online Application form (via Google Forms)
b) if you prefer not to use Google Forms to send your application, please download this form , fill out every section, sign it and then send it together with your CV and motivation letter to