EVS placement for October's deadline: volunteers needed!

InCo has the following placements (long-term – 12 months starting in March 2014):
> Villaggio SOS di Saronno : only male volunteers. Please check further details on the database (link directly on the name of each HO) – remember that activity with children of Villaggio is not the same of playing a couple of hours with your nephew: it can be really challenging...
> Caritas Diocesi Bolzano-Bressanone : bilingual city and activity, therefore volunteers with good level of German and/or Italian are preferred.
Sounds interesting? So check further details about this project proposal:
This is the last deadline of the program Youth in Action and therefore, InCo will present an EVS project with a special focus on giving value to the 7 years of program inside each HO involved. Besides the general foreseen activities (as described in the database for each HO), volunteers will develop a personal parallel project during the whole year related to experience of all EVS volunteers that have been hosted in each specific HO.
Just to give you an example, in the last years, Villaggio Saronno hosted 7 EVS volunteers(without counting those presented in this deadline). The idea is that current volunteers will contact all ex-volunteers; make interviews;talk about the experience but also - after those years - how does it influence their life; check with staff and children what they remember about those volunteers and, from this input, there are unlimited possibilities... articles, picture galleries, activities with children (for example identifying in the map the country of each ex-volunteer and also yours), games, seminars to explain Youth in Action... it will depend on volunteers own ideas, willingness and interests. This process will obviously require time to do research, to develop ideas, make interviews, produce material etc, that's why we will propose that 1 day of the week will be dedicated to that (the rest of the time, volunteers will be involved in the general activities of the HO). InCo will give a hand to volunteers - as well as the HO - but it will be necessary own initiative as well.
Still interested? So here the application procedure:
1) contact your sending organization (we won't accept application done by volunteers directly, only though sending organizations!)
2) read all detailsa bout EVS and the host organization you are interested on
3) discuss the opportunity with your sending organization checking about the opportunity offered and your expectations. In case of doubts, give us a call!
4) ask to your sending organization to send us the following documents:
>>your CV with picture
>> specific motivation letter (mentioning the HO as well as this parallel initiative), general motivation letter won't be considered!
>>their contact details as well as their EI number
>>one paragraph of their evaluation about you and how does it match with your profile
>>email's subject must be: "Placement: EVS through the looking-glass" (emails without this subject won't be included in the selection process!)
The deadline to apply is the 20th September.
Good luck ;-)