Volunteers say 7/2018

Open space for sharing your experience with other volunteers who have joined our programmes.

If you are a volunteer, we invite you to register to our website or you already have an account to login and to share your experience, using the button "Share your experience".

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Ciao a tutti! After almost two months since my last day in Molfetta I am ready to share my experince with all of you. My name is Ainara and I am 30 years old. I did my EVS in the Istituto d' Istruzione Secondaria Superiore Liceo Classico...

My EVS in Molfetta

Hello everyone! My name is Katharina and I am 19 years old. It already passed a lot of time since I returned home to Germany from my EVS in Molfetta and now I would like to share my experience. I did my EVS in the school Istituto Tecnico-Commerciale I.T.E.T. Salvemini.


 "Happiness Project” has come to an end.It has been a wonderful occasion for our volunteers to participate in a project which has the aim of helping the young people residing in Cyprus believe in themselves and create the world they want to...