Volunteers say trento

Open space for sharing your experience with other volunteers who have joined our programmes.

If you are a volunteer, we invite you to register to our website or you already have an account to login and to share your experience, using the button "Share your experience".

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Ode to ... Blabliblabla:

Juliette L'her Trento volunteer
Juliette wrote a last minute piece in which she had time to tell us about her experience reaching the middle of her volunteering project and even had time to mock Sagar's piece from last week. 

Forza Italia!

Christina Theodorou volunteer trento SVE
Christina, a volunteer from Cyprus, arrived in Trento a few weeks ago during her birthday, the city and the people here welcomed her with open arms. 

Ode to Living multiple lives

sagar ghimire volunteer trento
Sagar gives us an extensive review of his current life, from the city, to the books he reads. 

The almost Venetian Carnival.

reme torrico volunteer trento
Reme reflects on the imposibilities created by the pandemic. 

Starting 2021 in a new place with new people

Laura Kroworsch Volunteer Trento
Laura, a really young volunteer from Germany has just started her volunteering experience, in this short period of time she has been doing lots of things and enjoying the beautiful city of Trento and the Province of Trentino. 


Sagar Ghimire Volunteer Trento
Sagar has recently arrived from Nepal and after being quarentined for two weeks he has had the opportunity to start working and experiencing Trento