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My EVS in Molfetta
Hello everyone! My name is Katharina and I am 19 years old. It already passed a lot of time since I returned home to Germany from my EVS in Molfetta and now I would like to share my experience. I did my EVS in the school Istituto Tecnico-Commerciale I.T.E.T. Salvemini.
"Happiness Project” has come to an end.It has been a wonderful occasion for our volunteers to participate in a project which has the aim of helping the young people residing in Cyprus believe in themselves and create the world they want to...
My EVS experience in InCo Molfetta
Hello everyone! My name is Maria, I'm from Russia and I want to share my EVS experience in InCo Molfetta in Italy.My project lasts for 6 months, for now I'm here for 4 months already, and I must say that during this time a lot of amazing events happened to me!
!From Mexico to the world!
Last week several volunteers who live in Trento were invited to participate in an International visibility event to explain a little about the socio-political situation that our countries are currently experiencing.
Vol'Au Pair: "Help to help - International culture for...
au pair aiesec hel to help international culture for the children
Hello my name is Aizhan. I'm from Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan. I want to say that I spent the best summer. And I am grateful to Inko for this I am very glad to have such an experience of cultural exchange. For this summer, amazing things happened to me. Most...
Hola! Mi nombre es Israel Pulido
Mexico InCo volontariato
“Hola! Mi nombre es Israel Pulido, soy un mexicano que recientemente ha llehago a Trento, Italia para participar durante 1 año en un programa de Voluntariado Internacional con Inco. Llegar aqui y ver todo tan diferente a mi ciudad de origen me ha hecho apreciar...
Youth Exchange DRAMA - Dancing to Raise Awarness towards...
erasmus+ drama youth exchange
We found a way to grew inside thanks to the Youth Exchange.
Nous avons trouvé une manière de grandir intérieurement grace au Youth Exchange.The French team.
Lo mio SVE in Italia / My EVS story
AuPair SVE Italia Erasmus+
Ho ascoltato questa sensazione dentro di me da ormai molto tempo per riuscire a concludere e scrivere i miei pensieri sul mio viaggio di un anno in Italia.
Insomma, suppongo che sia arrivato il tempo finalmente di farlo.
Tra solo due settimane dovrò partire....
Evs in Czech Republic
Cambiare luogo d'origine e/o abitudini non è sempre cosa facile, ma nella propria vita i cambiamenti devo essere effettuati; perché in questo modo, puoi capire molte informazioni su te stesso, ecco questo è lo Sve, un'opportunità dell'Unione Europea rivolta ai...
More than a year in 12 months: the EVS-experience
Belgium MentalDisorders EVS Erasmus+
I literally cannot express by words how much I owe to this experience.After university I decided to live abroad for a year. I had heard about the EVS program from a friend: she made her experience in Belgium with mental disordered people, and I am very grateful for...
La primera experiencia en Italia, Bolzano 29-2/09/2016
YouthExchange Bolzano Italia Guatemala
Quiero hablar un poquito de todas de las cosas mas importantes para mi.Tener la oportunidad de viajar para conocer mas culturas es sin duda un logro, en Guatemala la situación de pobreza y desigualdad aumenta cada día mas, no existen posibilidades para los...