CIAO A TUTTI! Volunteers say
Marta updates us on the current situation in Bolzano and how her volunteering has helped her to make decisions about her formation.

Some months have passed since the last time I wrote, it’s almost five months that I’m in Italy. Madonna, the time is flying. These last months have been ups and downs, like life that is cyclic. I’d like to explain you how much I enjoyed the little things: I’ve gone for long walks on my own around Bolzano, because since February here we are in a strict lockdown; I could start enjoying the change of the weather, so I took the advantage to take a book with me and read at some nice place under the sun; and I’ve noticed that Italians love ice-cream because the shops were opening in February!
Besides I’ve decided that this is the best moment to live the local experience, so that I enrolled to the library. There I choose a novel that could give me an insight of the social/historical situation on my region, South Tirol, it’s called Resto qui. To be honest I don’t understand so many words, but I’m trying my best.
A part from that, I feel very comfortable at work; I remember you that I work with kids. It pushes me to apply the knowledge taken at university, while I have a lot of fun. Even sometimes I feel I need much more theory and practise. So we could say that this experience is reassuring the idea that I want to continue my formation.
Take care!
-Marta Forcada