From the train going back home Volunteers say
Juliette came back home for Christmas, she wrote in the blog after being in Trento for a couple of weeks. Now, after two months in Trento, she reflects on the experience so far.

We are the 23th of December, and I’m writing this post in the train, because YES, after two months, I’m going back home for Christmas .
I’m really happy to come back home, not only because I’m going to see my family and friends again, but also because I know that I will be happy to come back here too!
I can realize now how things can change fast, and how the adaptation is a strange process ( it feels like it’s slow and quick on the same time) !
Lea said in her last post that you need few people to feel good, I agree.
This last month (and last week actually), I’ve met so nice people, and reinforced my relationship with those I already knew !
I’ve been able to go to see the surrounding of Trento too with Reme and Julia ! We went to Madonna di Campiglio. We postponed this little trip 3 times before we actually go there, but I don’t regret we finally went ! There was snow everywhere, and it was really cool (I hope it’s going to snow at Trento too)
Before that we went to Verona. I loved the city, there are so many places there with a great view ! There we went to a restaurant, and ate a pizza ! we all agreed about the fact that it was the best pizza of our life !
Finally, during this last month I could try to hike, I love it, even if I thought I was going to die on the last one.
It’s so exhilarating, to live new things all the time, I feel like it never stop and I really appreciate this feeling!