Give yourself to others and receive a bit of happiness Volunteers say

My name is Zaneta, I come from small city in south-western Poland. Since I remember, I have been sensitive to social problems and willing to help other people. That's why, after my studies, I decided to take part in EVS. From the very beginning my goals were clear: the project should concern of a useful social work with children and human rights. Country didn’t play a huge role, but when I found the project in Bolzano, I knew, that this place will be good for me.
In my point of view,South Tyrol combine the tranquility of the Dolomites with italian “la dolce vita”. It is a region of contrasts, from Alpine peaks to the Mediterranean landscape, cosmopolitan, but also deeply rooted in tradition. You can clearly see the diversity of society and the cultural differences, but it makes the South Tyrol even more unique.
VKE is an association of volunteers, with 40 years of experience in a field of defend the rights of children to play. The range of activities is huge. During my service, I participated in many activities of the association: I worked in differents CasaGioco-mostly with children of immigrants, visited with PlaybusTeam small villages in the mountains-where we played with the local children. I had the opportunity to participate in the Children's City MiniBZ- which is a very special event, created for children and by children. I prepared also my own, smalls projects and initiatives. It's difficult to describe all of them in just a few words, but all these activities combined integration of children, without any preferences on cultural-language, nationalities or social backgrounds. It was amazing to see, that shared lives of young people - more with each other than next to each other - becomes more possible. Working with children, gave me something more, something, what I would like to keep in my heart: the secret, how to enjoy the little things, noticing the values and uniqueness in them.
Life abroad, away from the family and usual friends, work in a new, multilingual and dynamic environment, meeting other EVS volunteers from all over Europe, allowed me to look at life from a different perspective and to open my mind to new realities. It gave me a opportunity to improve skills and knowledge in inter-curtural communication. By dinf of EVS I have gained quite a lot of professional experience. I met fantastic, full of energy and willingness to act, young people. I’m really glad that I could be one of the members of this lovely EVS-family. I have seen many tourist attraction and I discovered the beauty of small, unknown Italian towns. And finally, I have become to convinced, that pasta with parmesan tastes better than without!
My project is coming to the end... it is hard to believe how quickly passed these months. It still seems to me, that it all happened in just a few weeks. I would like to thank everyone, who did this year so special! (specially "Happy Shiny People" in Bolzano - without you guys would be not the same!)
Jan, Wenddi&Noemie, Roberto - great job and cooperation!
Thank you for all!
PS. One advice for you, if you read this short story and wondering if EVS is something for you ... Do not be afraid and just do it! It's a wonderful, unforgettable adventure!