Happiness! Volunteers say
"Happiness Project” has come to an end.
It has been a wonderful occasion for our volunteers to participate in a project which has the aim of helping the young people residing in Cyprus believe in themselves and create the world they want to live in.
With this project, our volunteers have helped the coordinating and hosting organization YEU Cyprus in facilitating young people to be integrated into society in a productive and creative way.

The project has taken place mainly in Nicosia, the capital of Cyprus.
The project foresaw, for the volunteers involved, the participation at different events, such as Cultural and Youth festivals, Sports events, NGO festivals, Geocaching excursions, Artistic and handcraft activities.
Additionally, the volunteers were given the chance to participate in important Cultural Festivals in Cyprus as assistance team and gain through this experience useful organizational and social skills.
Our volunteers ran this project for one year, from May 2017 to May 2018, together with other volunteers coming from Czech Republic and Spain.
As part of their daily activities, all the volunteers have led intercultural workshops to promote their countries, organized informative sessions promoting volunteerism, had access to music equipment, art materials and a fully equipped kitchen to prepare regional dishes. Besides that, the volunteers arranged language courses with the goal to teach their mother tongue (Italian, Spanish) to local young people.
We are happy, as sending organization, that our volunteer have had the chance to contribute actively in this kind of project and we are sure that this has been a wonderful chance for them to grow up and gain new useful skills and competencies.
Going for an EVS is a priceless experience especially in Cyprus!!
New people, new food, new adventures.. Don't lose the chance to live abroad
and work with an international team!!
Thank you "Happiness"!