Home alone has always been my favourite Christmas movie and now I get to experience it. Volunteers say
Reme, a spanish volunteer in Trento since last October, updates us on what she's been doing this months and how she's planning to spend her Christmas holidays during this strange year.

Hello everyone! It’s been more than a month since the last time I wrote on here. Trento has grown on me and it feels like home, we don’t know what’s going to happen in the following week and that’s making the upcoming Christmas feel strange.
I decided to stay here instead of coming back home, I don’t feel like going home for the holidays is the most responsible thing to do, but I have to admit that the perspective of spending Christmas alone and in lock-down doesn’t seem like the best plan to end this chaotic year.
Luckily I’ll get to use my time wisely and read “Italian for dummies”.
Yes, you read that correctly.
In preparation for Christmas and to get some rest for my eyes, 7 hours a day in an office looking at a screen isn’t the best thing to have rested eyesight, I started to watercolour some Christmas cards to send my family and friends, I would 100% recommend it to anyone in need of some creative activity.
During this months I also got to see the snow (!)
This is such a big deal for me, I couldn’t stop smiling as soon as we stepped outside of the bus in Madonna di Campligio, everything looked so shiny and beautiful, and white, really white. It was not an easy trip anyways, turns out you really have to dress accordingly to the weather conditions, who would have thought!
We had the amazing idea of doing a short hiking trail, it took us 3 times the amount of time it was supposed to and I ended with my legs covered in bruises from kicking myself trying to get out of holes in the snow that I sinked it when walking. As bad as that sound it was one of the funniest experiences of my life, also one of the most tiring ones.
Would I repeat it? Yes, but with better clothing, 100%.
Recently we found out we are moving from the apartment we’ve been staying in for the last 2 months, and that we’re not going to live together anymore. Until now there’s been 3 of us in the same apartment (Julia, Juliette and myself) but from January Julia and I are moving.
Apparently there’s a new law that forced this situation so there’s nothing anyone can do to change the situation, I wish I get to move before Christmas and lock-down so I can get used to our new place by myself, staying in our current apartment alone for two weeks would feel like a two weeks long goodbye.
We were told where the new apartment is and I walked over there the other day, it feels really strange to move for a second time in a city that you don’t fully know yet, it’s a new part of the city to get to know and a lot of new things to get used to. For know my priorities are finding the closest supermarket as it seems like it’s going to be the only place I’ll be able to visit in the following weeks.
I almost forgot to update this blog on our social life, we’ve made some friends, well, at least one friend. But it is refreshing to have someone outside of our home to go visit and to talk to. He also lives really close to the old apartment so we can meet really easily. I also got to meet my mentor and she was nice, hopefully we will hang out with her at some point.
Overall, and after dumping all of this info in here, I am going to continue hoping for the best and trying to make the best out of the situation no matter how bad things get. It’s time to reflect on what we used to have and can’t have anymore and how appreciative we have been about it until now. This may be a strange Christmas but Christmas is just a social event.
Let’s start 2021 being responsible and appreciating what we have and what we have had, for me I am really happy to start 2021 in a different country and how I am getting to met, experience and see so many new thing in such a complicated year.