My EVS in Molfetta Volunteers say
Hello everyone! My name is Katharina and I am 19 years old. It already passed a lot of time since I returned home to Germany from my EVS in Molfetta and now I would like to share my experience. I did my EVS in the school Istituto Tecnico-Commerciale I.T.E.T. Salvemini.

I spend nine month in Italy and I can say now, after the time passed incredible fast, that it was an amazing time, which I would not want to miss. As soon as I arrived I realized that Molfetta is really different from the city I live in Germany. It took my some time to adapt to my new surronding but as I met a lot of other volunteers from all over Europe and of course italian people, it was not too difficult. We met almost every day to eat an ice cream or to drink coffee in one of the bars in Molfetta and of course we visited a lot of places together in Puglia as well as in Italy.
In the school I felt welcome from the first day. All teachers used to be very helpful and supportive. In the nine month I gave afternoon courses for example an german course or english courses togehter with an other volunteer. I supported the segretary as well as students with their math homework. Sometimes we went together with the students to teathers. So I can say for sure that my receiving organization supported my a lot and offered an amazing project.
During my project I did not just learn a new language, I also learnet a lot about Europe, the italian culture and a lot about me as well. There has not been one day in which I did not dicover something new. I met wonderful friends. If I can choose another time to do en EVS I would choose Molfetta again!