My EVS in Vicenza.. Volunteers say

My name is Gokhan and I came from Turkey (Istanbul). I’m living in Vicenza from 8 months: this north italian city is small –according to my standard in Turkey- and at the same time is calm and sweet. In this city there is one of the center of Villaggio SOS Vicenza and I’m doing my EVS experience in here.
Villaggio SOS is a non-governmental international organization which has been working to meet the needs and protect the interests and rights of children since 60 years. It provides to children and young a permanent new family and the family-based care. Generally about ten children are grouped into a house with an SOS mother and those houses are grouped together as a "Village" with shared facilities.
My house in Villaggio SOS Vicenza is called Casa Ragazzi, where there are 6 young (15-17 years old). I’m there helping in the house care and helping boys and girls in their needs. The staff from Villaggio is really nice and friendly. In Casa Ragazzi I’m spending a good time and all the people is understanding with me. Above all with the language gap, they help me and always try to understand me and my needs.
During this experience I have spend my time empathizing with the young who lives in Villaggio and trying to help them, meeting a lot of people from different country and traveling Europe during my holidays. This year is a big opportunity of my life for learn about new cultures, traditions and languages.