"Stune, Stune mia, quande sì care... " Volunteers say
"Stune, my Stune, when so dear..." Lillo Rapanà sang... Ostuni has become a very dear city for me too, and will remain so forever!

How can I describe the conclusion of 9 months in Italy, in Puglia, in Ostuni, in the SOS Village ...?
I can say a lot, but I would never be able to say everything ...
But I can say that being a volunteer in the Villaggio was an absolutely unique experience that will remain with me forever. It can be said, however, that after leaving it behind I will miss this too ... the smiles and hugs of the children, the time spent together, the games and activities done, the warmth of the welcome of the people I met there, the memory of the time they dedicated to me, the taste of the foods they made me taste, the taste of wine, coffee and ... the recipes remain too!
What will remain when even the tan goes away? There will remain a lot, especially the memories, even the professional experience, because I met several people (inside and outside the Village) who have enriched my experience and knowledge of pedagogy and teaching.
However, if you ask me if everything has always gone well, I must say ... no, not everything was perfect, I did not always smile, sometimes I felt in the wrong place and also very lonely, I wanted to escape but ... I am very happy to be remained!
I hope that this volunteer experience has not only helped me, but that I have been helpful to others.
Maybe you too think you want to be useful, you want to help others and volunteering is precisely the possibility of realizing this thought of yours, but, trust me, this experience will also and, above all, help you!