Take me down to the paradise city – Take me in Europe! Volunteers say
Hello, I’m Sasha, coming from Hungary, and I left my heart in Molfetta after 7 month staying there as a volunteer.
After already 1,5 months coming home from Italy and especially form this even-more amazing southern part of Italy makes me smile and think of those moments – actually no, not only moments, but days, nights, entire weeks, that made my last year so unforgettable there.

I had the chance to participate in an EVS project in South Italy, Puglia, in a small and lovely town called Molfetta. Altough my profession was way different from my project, I felt it will be the right decision to see, if I really should change my way. First of all, I didn’t know what to expect, also I didn’t speak the language at all, I just dropped into the middle without any preparation before. I was just really happy that I could live next to the sea, with the sun, and amazing opened and smiling people. And guess what – I got way more than my expections were. Amazing friends, amazing people, culture, food, lifestyle, and so on. Also the volunteers and also the locals. Everyody wanted to get to know each other, I really felt that we were a big big family. We even did a diving course and went to ski!
Now after these words I should also speak a little bit of my project - We were participating in a secondary school in the neighbour town called Bisceglie, teaching english, working with the kids, inventing some own ideas with the the sustainability, rethinking, recycling, and being creative. Also- since my profession is an architect, it was really really close to me. My personal favourite project was before christmas, when we started to do a so called ’Shoebox campaign’, where the kids could prepare gifts from their unused toys and books and school stuff a gift for the kids in need -which was really successful I think, because we filled 2 smaller vans! After this project I realized, that how much I love to work in this area, and how much I anjoy teaching! Right now I’ll probably continue this route also in my home country, in Hungary!
I have to tell as well, that I had to come home during the spring – coronavirus times. I couldn’t go back, and also our project was freezed, since the schools weren’t open. Me and my mate in the project were trying to keep the contact, so we actually participated to some online meetings, we could continue our italian lessons from some point. I feel it was a success, and we did our best. In june when I could come back, it was so calming, that I could say goodbye to the program in peace. To the place and to my friends I couldn’t, I want to see them again! J
I could tell a lot also about my journeys, my friends, the atmosphere, but I can tell only that, that I don’t feel it’s a goodbye, it’s just a beginning of something whith all these people included somehow. and this experience was one of the most important decision till this time of my life! So if you feel to apply, don’t hesitate, go!
Ci vediamo presto! J