Vol'Au Pair: "Help to help - International culture for the children" Volunteers say
Hello my name is Aizhan. I'm from Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan. I want to say that I spent the best summer. And I am grateful to Inko for this I am very glad to have such an experience of cultural exchange. For this summer, amazing things happened to me. Most importantly, that I met my Italian family, which I like so much.

Here is the testimony that Aizhan from Kyrgyzstan send us after experiencing our 6 weeks project in collaboration with Aiesec, "Help to help - International Culture for the children". Thank you Aizhan! :)
My experience in this program
Hello my name is Aizhan. I'm from Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan. I want to say that I spent the best summer. And I am grateful to Inko for this I am very glad to have such an experience of cultural exchange. For this summer, amazing things happened to me. Most importantly, that I met my Italian family, which I like so much.
Living in an Italian family, I learned a lot, what is the life of a standard European family, what habits and cultural characteristics they have. I liked the warmth of my family, their neighbors and friends. We did not have a free minute to rest. All the week everyone is engaged in ordinary affairs like work and study. By the way, I spent my time in the summer camp where we played with the children, learned English, went to the forest, to the lake, to the swimming pools. And on weekends when children are free from lessons, and parents from work we traveled to neighboring cities to have fun. I liked the attitude in my family the most important value is respect for each other. Everyone can express what he wants, and we discuss as much as possible. I think this is an ideal relationship model.
For myself, I have opened a lot of places, interesting people, stories that I will never forget. During this time I visited a lot of Italian cities from the eternal city Rome, Venice, Milan, Trento and such small cities as San Martino, Bolzano, Fiera, and my city Canal San Bovo, where I lived for 2 months. It was a good experience to immerse yourself in the true atmosphere of a warm, soulful and diverse Italy. Each city is a separate continent, not similar to each other. Each city has its own history, traditions inherent to it. Many pleasant moments about which I want to talk and remember.
What difficulties did I face?
- in small towns people do not speak English, it's better to learn the basic Italian. And learn the most necessary phrases.
- I do not live in a super modern city in Kyrgyzstan, so for me it's new to use fast trains. It was a bit unusual to get used to a new kind of transport. But if you understand the train schedules and platforms, then everything is easy.
- No knowledge of the places, but Google map has helped me.
What I liked:
- Travel to new places. The beauty of Italy is indescribable; every sight of the place has left a deep mark in memory.
- The cuisine. Oh, this Italian food! Only in Italy you can try the best pizza, pasta. Ice cream is the most delicious in the world. The quality of food at the highest level.
- Very well-coordinated infrastructure. You can get anywhere by public transport and not expensive. What is also a huge plus.
And again thanks a lot for this experience, for these memories and knowledge that I received from the trip and this project.
Aizhan Syrdybaeva