“Steps towards change”: state of the art and next steps!

Finally some updates as to the project in partnership with KERIC , a Slovac organization with which we have been collaborating since 2008.
At this stage, this project aims only at partner organizations but it wishes to reach more youngsters (especially those with fewer opportunities) and involve them with EVS.
The first steps have been completed, in other words: InCo participated in the first video-conference during the month of December 2011. After that, from 26/2/2012 to 05/03/2012, we went to the meeting Čadca, Slovakia. There, all partners have had opportunity to present their associations, their work, the youth groups involved and the main characteristics of each territory. It was also possible to discuss good practices and possible partnership opportunities (also outside Europe). A very interesting and enriching meeting from a professional, cultural and also personal point of view.After the meeting, each partner has worked independently in the preparation of a "sending-kit": this material will be useful to enrich the preparation of volunteers exchanged between those partners. KERIC now is finishing to elaborate this material and soon there will be the second video-conference.During the coming months, it is still expected the organization of an Info-day about EVS (yes, this activity is open to all youth interested in doing a volunteer experience abroad), so stay in touch! All details about it and dates will be soon available on our website.