EVS in third countries: “Towards the World Assembly of Inhabitants”

INCO organization, together with the "International Alliance of Inhabitants" (IAI) is currently planning the third EVS project "Inhabitants of the World", and this time we will include countries in Latin America, Africa, and Russia: an opportunity not to be missed!
The "International Alliance of Inhabitants" (IAI) is a network of organizations, informal groups of citizens and people of all races and ethnic groups in different countries and regions of the world.After the first successful EVS project “Inhabitants of the World” and the submission to EACEA the second version of it, now the time has come to launch the third one, especially considering the forthcoming World Assembly of Inhabitants , to be held in 2011.
The volunteers chosen for this EVS project will go to Perù, Dominican Republic, Senegal, or Russia to collborate with the technical staff of IAI partner organizations. The main topic on which this network focusses is the right to housing, promoting new forms of active citizenship. In this way organizations struggle against people marginalization and social exclusion. To know more about IAI work, click here
If you are interested, and you think you could be the right person for this project, then write us!
We are looking forward to receiving application from youngsters willing to live a new experience, who are able to live abroad for a long period of time (12 months). It is essential to know some English, and a basic knoweledge of Spanish, French, and Russian according to destination is more than welcome!
The starting date is August 2010 but selection is already open! The project will be subitted to the Executive Agency on February, 1st.
If you wish to apply, after reading all the information about the EVS program , send us a mail attaching the following documents:
- your résumée in English (you can download the Europass format here );
- a motivation letter;
- a picture
In the subject of the message please wirte: "EVS selection: Towards the World Assembly of Inhabitants"
The dealine is December, 16th 2009.