Selection process open for projects involving entertainment activities with elderly people!

If you are interested in participate in one of the EVS hosting project coordinated by INCO, here you can find all the useful information in order to candidate yourself to the next selection process!
INCO coordinates several EVS projects in Italy. For the moment the only placement we have regards the project involving entertainment activities with elderly people in the city of Bolzano (2009-IT-11) and in Trento (under accreditation).
After reading the information regarding the EVS as well as deeper information about the proj ect , you are welcome to participate in our selection process!
INCO is looking for motivated volunteers interested in live a long-term experience and with a special sensibility with elderly people; the volunteer activities will start in September 2010 and take 12 months.
If you would like to participate in the selection process, please send us an email specifying in the subject: “selection process 2010-11”. You should send us in this email the following documents/information:
- CV (in English or Italian, better to follow the Europass format)
- motivation letter specific to the project (in which you should explain a little bit why would you like to participate in the EVS, why Italy, why this specific project, what do you think you could learn, which could be the difficulties you could face, etc.)
- a picture (if you haven't added to your CV)
- the contacts of your sending organization (name, email and reference number)
For the moment, there is no need to fill other forms or send any document by regular post!
The email with the documents and information requested should be sent to from the 15th February until the 13th March 2010 (not earlier and not later). After the 13th March, the selection will be officially closed and we will proceed with some phone interviews. The project will be presented to the Italian National Agency in April's deadline.
We will be waiting for your email!