Would you like to go to Spain?

The organization Paideia, located in La Coruna, Spain,is currently looking for a volunteer to carry out a project connected to young and disabled people. Be careful: in order to participate with InCo you need to e living in Italy!
The activities to be carried out by the volunteers will have an educational dimension and will entail an added value for the community, in view of the importance that having the collaboration of a volunteer from another European country in the activities of our community has. The participation of a European volunteer both at the Training Centre and at the Day Centre will allow disabled people to know about another culture, language, habits, feasts,. This contact with people from other cultures will have a positive impact in the daily activities of the users, so they will enrich from other cultures and from a different knowledge.
The general experience and knowledge of the volunteers will also increase, as they will be co-existing in a society which is probably different to theirs, like for example, the participation in the tasks of a centre for care of disabled people.
Are you interested in participating? Send us an mail with the subject: "EVS in Spain - Paideia" at the address info@incoweb.org
We are waiting for your application!