EVS in Poland

There actually 9 EVS projects available to go and volunteering in Poland; the deadline to apply is March, 25th: the projects' scopes of action are children, youngsters, and disabled people. The projects can last from 1 month to 1 year, send us your application to the address: info@incoweb.org but be careful! You need to be resident in Italy in order to apply for these projects.
Click on the link of the code of the organizations to find out more details about the projects!
2007-PL-99 : it is a project with the organization Europejskie Forum Mlodziezy; volunteers will organize, participate, and assist in a number of activities for youngsters, visiting local schools as a guest, helping in the office with the sending of Polish young people to be volunteers through EVS, Writing for 'OKO', the monthly magazine published by volunteers.
2008-PL-64 : this project involves the organization Zespol Szkol Spolecznych, and it's about promoting culture in Klodzko for youngsters between 7 and 19 years of age. The activities to be developed are similar to the ones of the former projects.
2008-PL-61 : this project is with the organization Urzad Miasta i Gminy, and it's in the field of disability and environment. The task of volunteer will contain 50% practical work, 20 % preparation work and 30% of individual support (language course, technical support, intercultural learning, etc.).
Teambuilding will be the key word during the first week, but since team building is nothing more than training a group of individuals, personal developments, building up self esteem, creating an individual strength-weakness analysis will be the personal result of this teambuilding. Volunteer's tasks in the park will depend on the weather.
2008-PL-62: this is a project by Gimnazjum nr1 im. Adama Mickiewicza. The volunteer will organise or take part in workshops, which are all carried out as after class activities and are not regular lessons. According to volunteer's interests, different clubs can be offered at school. These clubs function as the optional activity for pupils between the ages of 13 and 16. At these meetings they improve their language skills, knowledge about different areas of interest as wells as finding the chance to express their creative skills.
2008-PL-63: here the volunteer will work with Osrodek Pomocy Spolecznej. The volunteer will help with the occupational therapy, assist the staff in accordance with his or her abilities. Furthermore, the volunteer will arrange together with staff of the center the free time for the people that come to the Center, take part in games and help to organize workshops.The EVS volunteer will not only give the people in the Center the chance to meet a person from a different country but also give them the attention they need. The volunteer will be in the Center six hours a day, five days a week.
If you are resident in Italy and you wish to partecipate, send your application before March, 25th!