...do you feel like... Uruguay?

Then this is the right opportunity for you! Please notice that you need to be resident in Italy in order to apply to this vacancy.
AUDELE (Associacion Uruguaya para la Difusion del Idioma Espanol), togetherwith other organizations located in Uruguay carries out a number of activities for children and youngsters from 5 to 18 years of age in Montevideo, the capital city.
Currently InCo is running a selection to choose one persone to be integrated in the activities in the organizations, collaborating with paid staff and other volunteers. The main activities will involve organizing activities (sport game, workshops, seminars, etc.); the aim is enriching free time activities for these youngsters, focussing on multiculturality.
The volunteer will live in Montevideo from the end of May/beginning of June until December; dealine to apply to these vacancy is Monday, 3rd of May 2010.
If you think this opportunity is for you, send us your CV europass and a motivation letter (both in English or Spanish): it could be your time to become one of InCo's volunteers in Latin America!