5 x 1000 Campaign

This time we are not proposing you projects around the world: this time we provide you with the opportunity of helping us in helping you!
Concretely, it is the possibility for Italian residents to allocate 5 x 1000 of their taxes to InCo organization.
You don't need much: just our name and fiscal code - 92165450286-, and your signature.
You are not living in Italy but you would like to support our work anyways? Then write ask to see how can you do it!
Our e-mail is info@incoweb.org; or else you can give us a call at +39.0461.523409 on Tuesday or Thursday 9-18. We are waiting to hear from you!
And that's all, tutto qui? Yes, that's all.
A small sign that for InCo means a great deal!