Latin America: a photographic exhibition from our volunteers

From July, 2nd to July, 16th in the Biblioteca Comunale in Via Roma 55, Trento (Italy) InCo organization presents the photographic exhibition with the pictures taken from our volunteers undertaking their EVS in Latin America. The initiative takes place also thanks to the contribution of Ufficio Politiche Giovanili from Trento Municipality and the Executive Agency for the Youth in Action programme .
“Inhabitants of the World” is a project that was promoted and coordinated by InCo Organization within the EU program "Yout in Action - European Voluntary Service" in partnership with the International Alliance of Inhabitants and some of its members in Latin America.
With this voluntary project we wanted to provide youngsters with the possibility of involving themselves in a social project, becoming active citizens thus fostering a change of mentality which they brought back to their respective sending countries.
This small photographic exhibition is a way to give an added value to the experience that volunteers lived - Angela, Francesco, Marco, Maren, Maura and Laura; we want the public to think about the experience, and about the problems in other parts of the world. At the same time we consider this initiative an important dissemination measure, aiming at promoting the program among youngsters: that's why we thought that a library would be the ideal setting.
Together with the pictures you will find also forewords of the volunteers, explaining their perceptions and point of views.
May this initiative inspire you in your future life... and if you have any question don't esitate to contact us!
Picture courtesy of Maura Benegiamo: all rights are reserved