September last-minute...

...InCo presents you a last-minute FSJ project in Italy: send us your resume together with a motivation letter (English) to the email address: .
You could be the volunteer leaving in September and spending a year in Bolzano, Italy.
We are still selecting 3 volunteers to carry out a project connected to disabled people or elderlies. The activities to be carried out by the volunteers will have an educational dimension and will entail an added value for the community. This contact with people from other cultures will have a positive impact in the daily activities of the users, so they will enrich from other cultures and from a different knowledge.
The general experience and knowledge of the volunteers will also increase, as they will be co-existing in a society which is probably different to theirs, like for example, the participation in the tasks of the centre.
The volunteers receive free lodging and food, as well as a pocket money of 200 euros per month. What's more, they also have the possibility to attend and Italian language course.
For any question don't hesitate to contact us, and remember: you have time until the 20th of August!
Picture courtesy of Maura Benegiamo: all rights are reserved