InCo is selecting EVS volunteers starting in 2011!!

Are you interested in doing your EVS in Italy? Then this might be your opportunity!
InCo just opened up a selection process for two EVS projects starting during Summer 2011. Read the description as to EVS in general and the host organizations; then contact your sending one. If you want to participate, feel free to apply!
EVS Project n° 1:
to be presented to the Italian National Agency in 1st February deadline
Dates of activity: from August/September 2011 until August /September 2012
Host organization: “Villaggio SOS di Mantova” which is still under accreditation process but you can find very similar information about it in one of the other “Villaggios” we coordinate (“Villaggio SOS di Vicenza” - EI: 2009-IT-14; di Roma - EI: 2008-IT-168 ; di Saronno - EI: 2009-IT-29 ; di Morosolo - EI: 2008-IT-166 )
Themes: Childcare, education and recreational activities, social difficulties
Vacancies: 2
Volunteers' profile: The project is open to every young person who has a special interest and sensibility to children (especially those in a difficult situation) and could bring new energy and enthusiasm to the host organization, helping to improve the life quality of those children and enriching the free-time activities’ possibilities. Once that the volunteers will be permanently in contact with children, they should have a positive behavior, be open to play games and make different kind of activities, available to listen to children with patience, and have certain initiative and creativeness. Some further characteristics would be welcome, although they are not essential: basic knowledge of Italian (which could facilitate the initial integration of the volunteers in the activities) and driving license (which could be useful supporting eventual transport and/or accompaniment of children). The volunteer should be ready to learn Italian and get deeply engaged.
EVS Project n° 2:
to be presented to the EACEA in 1st February deadline
Dates of Activity: from August/September 2011 until August/September 2012
Host organizations involved: ASSB (EI: 2009-IT-11) – 12 months and Villa St. Ignazio (EI: 2010-IT-35) – 9 months
Themes: recreational activities, elderly, adults in need, health
Vacancies: 7
Volunteers' profile: The project is open to everybody who has a special interest and sensibility to elderly people and other adults in need, and could bring new energy and enthusiasm in order to improve the conditions of the guests, contributing to maintain active their physical, mental, affective and attitudinal capacities. Once that the volunteers will be permanently in contact with elders/adults in need, they should be open-minded, available to listen to them, patient and they should have certain interest in interpersonal communication. The volunteer should be ready to learn Italian and get deeply engaged. Creativity and spirit of initiative will also be greatly valued.
If you are interested to apply:
1-) Please talk with your Sending Organization before applying to one of the projects! Discuss with them about your expectations, your motivation, inform yourself about the EVS and don't hesitate to discuss any doubt with your Sending Organization!
2-) If you would like to participate in this selection process, please send us an email specifying in the subject: “selection process 2011-12”. You should send us in this email the following documents/information:
- CV (in English or Italian, better to follow the Europass format)
- motivation letter specific to the project n° 1 or n° 2 as well as the host organization you would like to do your service (in the motivation letter you should explain why would you like to participate in the EVS, why Italy, why this specific project, what do you think you could learn, which could be the difficulties you could face, etc.; in case you apply to more then one project/host organization, you need to send different motivation letters!)
- a picture (if you haven't added to your CV)
- the contact of your sending organization (name, email and reference number)
For the moment, there is no need to fill other forms or send any document by regular post! The email with the documents and information requested should be sent to from the 30th November until the 17th December 2010 (not earlier and not later). Successful applications will receive an email of confirmation.
3-) After the 17th December, the selection will be officially closed and we will proceed with some phone interviews.
We will be waiting for your application!