Welcome to our new volunteers!

2011 just started and we are really happy to be able to welcome our new EVS volunteers who just arrived to Italy!!
They are 16 and come from different parts of the world: Germany, Turkey, Armenia, Spain, Portugal, Estonia, Hungary, and Uruguay.
These youngsters came to Italy in order to undertake their EVS experience - European Voluntary Service, an opportunity of non-formal education and of personal growth: they will be helping and supporting the work of their host organizations with new ideas and new points of view: a window open to interculturality and tolerance.
They will stay in Italy for 6-12 months collaborating with the staff of their host organizations which are 7, located in: Trento, Bolzano, Saronno, Roma, Morosolo, and Vicenza.
All these EVS projects are promoted and coordinated by InCo organization within the Youth in Action program and they were approved by the Italian National Agency and the Executive Agency.
We really wish that this will be an unforgettable life-time experience for the volunteers and a wonderful opportunity for the host organizations!!!
So, welcome to our volunteers and all the best for this new beginning!