Blog zum Erfahrungsaustausch unserer Freiwilligen

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"I don’t feel like I’m done with this place just yet...

Ciao raga! It’s Viv again. If you follow this blog regularly, you might have already read an entry by me a couple of months ago. Now that a bit more time has passed and I’ve been here in the north of Italy for nine months (it feels unbelievable to even say...

Un'Avventura Indimenticabile: La Scelta di Partire

Ciao, Bonjour ! My name is Claire, 24 years old from France.  

"I could not be more grateful for my decision to...

Γεια σας! I am Sophia and I come from the island of Cyprus. 7 months ago, I made one of the biggest decisions in my life to pursue one of my dreams, to become a volunteer abroad. More precisely, I live in Bolzano, Italy and I am serving at Caritas as part of...

"I feel like this is life, going out to see and try new...

Ciao, I'm Lisa from Germany and I've spent 8 months volunteering here in Trento. Things have changed a bit since I wrote my last testimony.

"I feel so lucky to have the opportunity to show...

Hi everyone, I'm Amelie, 20 years old, and I'm spending 9 months abroad in Luxembourg for an ESC project. I can't believe that it's already my sixth month here, time flies by so fast!