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My experience in Molfetta 2020/2021

My experience in Molfetta was so far the best experience i have ever made. I learned more things tham I could ever write in an article.

My volunteer experience in Česká Lípa, in the small...

#european solidarity corps #czech republic #soft skills #education #discovering
Too many things have happened in this exciting and upsetting year. In this article I have tried to share with you my feelings and my personal and professional growth in the hope that it will also be a warning for the youngest and not to be afraid to leave and...

A year of experiences, friendships and growth - the...

molfetta sve esc
I’m Flóra Fábián, a Hungarian girl who came straight out of the nest of her parents and the safety of high school, freshly graduated, at 18,  while being still very much a little girl, a kiddo, to take on an adventure and go to live in the South of Italy...

#ESC Associazione InCo-Molfetta - Esperienza Lucía...

Svolgere il mio progetto ESC presso InCo-Molfetta è stata una vera fortuna. Dall’inizio, mi sono sentita ascoltata, accolta e supportata per quanto riguarda il mio lavoro e tutte le mie decisioni. InCo mi ha sempre offerto uno spazio di libertà e creatività immenso.

First impressions...

Ángel. volunteer trento
Angel has just started his project with the Cooperative Archè in San Cristoforo in Trento. 

Alright! Namaste!

sagar ghimire trento volunteer
Half of Sagar's project time has already passed, he reflects on it. 

A 6 mesi dall’inizio, a 6 mesi dalla fine...

Francesca Germany volontaria Germania volunteer
Francesca is doing her ESC project in Magdeburg (Germany) with Auslandsgesellschaft Sachsen-Anhalt e.V.

Volunteering in Padova!

padova Mareike Lara Paula Philip volunteering
Mareike, Lara, Paula and Philip are doing their volunteering program at Università degli Studi di Padova at the Ufficio Servizio agli Studenti - Settore Inclusione.Un progetto in collaborazione con Internationale Jugendgemeinschaftsdienste - ijgd!