Blog zum Erfahrungsaustausch unserer Freiwilligen
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Starting with mixed feelings
Julia Smolla Inco trento volunteer
Julia, a german volunteer, shares her feeling on this new experience, which was a huge change for her.
juliette l'her trento inco volunteer
Juliette is a young french volunteer that just arrived to Trento to start her experience as a volunteer and is facing her feelings towards the changes she has recently faced.
My first days as a volunteer
reme torrico trento inco volunteer
The first days of a spanish volunteer in the city of Trento. Travelling from Spain to Trento, discovering the city, the language, the fauna and more. I’ve been in Trento for 5 days already and although it may not seem like much, time goes so...
My sunny EVS in Molfetta
Volunteer EVS Molfetta
From September ´19 until June ´20 I was participating in one of the Erasmus+ programs, the EVS. I got the chance to volunteer in a Secondary school in Bisceglie, deep in south Italy’s region Puglia. I must admit that living there, at the coast side with almost...
Dieci mesi in Italia - una vita completamente nuova!
esc youth mobility luxembourg italy volunteering experience
For ten months, I was a volunteer with the organisation InCo Molfetta in Puglia.
Il sogno della Spagna si è avverato per Letizia!
ESC help disability volunteer volunteering mobility Spain European Solidarity Corps
Letizia ci racconta con entusiasmo della sua esperienza a Limia, dove ha svolto un progetto ESC di dodici mesi a sostegno di persone con disabilità!