Blog zum Erfahrungsaustausch unserer Freiwilligen
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Take me down to the paradise city – Take me in Europe!
memories I will come back Molfetta Italy EVS
Hello, I’m Sasha, coming from Hungary, and I left my heart in Molfetta after 7 month staying there as a volunteer.After already 1,5 months coming home from Italy and especially form this even-more amazing southern part of Italy makes me smile and think of those...
Dieci mesi in Italia - una vita completamente nuova!
esc youth mobility luxembourg italy volunteering experience
For ten months, I was a volunteer with the organisation InCo Molfetta in Puglia.
V. day: Every rain is followed by sun
Spain Italy Bosnia YouthExchange
We started the fifth day earlier than usually. We went to the city to visit two job agencies, Umana and Eures. In Umana, we discussed about what to write in our CVs and what we should and shouldn't do during job interviews. After that, we went to Eures, where we...
IV. day: Life and work
youth exchange Bosnia Italy Spain
The day started with an entertaining game that was about sitting on chairs when the music stopped. There was one chair less than persons, so in every round the person who was on his/her foot, lost the game. Then, the coordinators made groups to talk about our...
III. Day: Meeting bad/good sides of starting and running...
Bosnia Spain Italy YouthExchange
We started our day with choosing photos that represent our dream job. We formed groups and discussed our wishes /dream job by answering to the questions that we got on paper. Later, we formed different groups and we all got assignments, so we had to prepare a list...
II. day: Let's check our abilities!
YouthPass Lego Erasmus+ Italy
After a good breakfast we had to get some energy and so we did a dancing game together. After we talked about our strengths and weaknesses, and also our opportunities and threats provided by our environment. We had a deep discussion about them and we tried to...
EVS for six months - impressions for a lifetime!
EVS Italy Erasmus+ InCo
Hello everybody, my name is Sarah, I’m from Germany and I finished my European Voluntary Service in Trento about one month ago. I can't imagine that already more than half a year passed by since I have left my home town for my journey to Italy!
My EVS in Saronno (ITALY)
Languages EVS Italy Erasmus+
Hi everybody,When I arrived to Italy I didn't know the language. But when I became aware that without Italian language it is very difficult to interact with people, I decided to learn the language very hard. And it was a great decision. Now I speak italian...