Ciao! I’m Anna, from Spain and I’m volunteering at VKE, in Bolzano.

28 August 2021. A sunny day like today, more than seven months ago, I arrived in Bolzano.
‘Ma come mai Bolzano?’ – It’s the question I have been asked more times since I am here. Locals don’t understand why someone from Spain would choose Bolzano as a destination. And it’s true that my choice wasn’t so much based on the city where the volunteering was taking place, but on the type of activities I would be doing. I chose Italy because I really like the country and the Italian language, and I chose VKE, because I love working with kids. But I haven’t heard about Bolzano ever before, I didn’t know what to expect about the city.
And they are right, it is not be the most beautiful Italian city. But it has some bright spots: It is surrounded by mountains; nature is everywhere nearby! And, for a language lover like me, being in Bolzano it’s just perfect, as I have the opportunity to learn not one, but two languages. I started learning Italian a bit before starting my volunteering and continued with the lessons once I arrived. But, after Christmas, I took the decision to start taking German lessons instead, and I’m very glad of my choice.
From the beginning, I’ve also wanted to visit some of the main and most beautiful Italian cities. I was in Venezia right after arriving to Bolzano, also in Verona and some other small cities during the first months. But then winter arrived, and everything kind of stopped. Now that the days are longer and warmer, it’s time to restart travelling. I was in Milano two weeks ago, and I’m soon going to La Toscana (Firenze, Pisa and Siena) with some of the friends I’ve met here. And I’m sure there’s still so much to explore!
14 April 2022. I’ve already been here for more than seven months, but there’re still five more to come, and I can’t wait for new adventures to arrive.