Ciao/Ahojte/Maybe Hi? Blog
My name is Kristína, I‘m a 22-year-old student from Slovakia and I’ve decided to spend my voluntary service in Mantova. For 5 months I was able to teach English and Social Sciencesat a high school in the north of Italy.
I’ve always enjoyed volunteering. During my college I’vebeen a part of many student associations and organized a lot of workshops and lectures for young people. Because of my additional year in college I had 6 months of free time and waslooking for things to do. That’s when I discovered EuropeanSolidarity Corps and their projects. It opened a whole world of opportunities and places to visit. Even though it may feel a bit overwhelming at first, when you discover your project youknow it’s the one.
The usual ESC project lasts around 9-12 months and you workwith children, seniors, manage social networks or work at a social center. You usually live with a group of volunteers or with roommates.
Well, for me, it was a very different experience. For one, I chose a project that only lasts 5 months and I decidedI wanted to use my English skills to teach English and othertopics at a high school. What a great challenge! I was also theonly volunteer at my city of Mantova in the north of Italy.
The last 5 months have been a life-changing experience. I gotto meet over 250 students and help them overcome shynessand language barriers. I got to prepare my own activities and topics for them, which is something I tremendously enjoy. I got to overcome my own language barier and little by littlelearned Italian (but it’s a work in progress). I learned how to live on my own in a foreign country and be okay with beingalone. My hosting organization, InCo, allowed me to meet so many new inspiring and fabulous young people from differentcultures all over the world.
Even though it wasn’t always sunshine and rainbows, surprisingly it was mostly foggy (a very typical thing fornorthern Italy) I want to encourage everyone to try an ESC project. It pushes you further than you ever expected to go.