EVS - A slice of life Blog

Hello everybody!
I’m Judit from Hungary and I do my EVS project in Trento, Italy. I applied for EVS because I thought that the best way to get to know a nation, a country, a different culture and to learn a foreign language was to live there. Just like everyone else I also believed that Italy is a country full of beautiful places with historical and art relics as it’s one of the cradle of art and culture. Now I already know it for sure! Here every brick of the wall has its own story… And not mentioning the marvellous language which every time sounds like a recitation of a poem. So I really glad that now I improved enough to be able to communicate in Italian almost fluently.
My work is very various and entertaining, but responsible at the same time. I work in an opened-center for adolescents, mainly from immigrant families, where I help them studying, passing their free-time more usefully (for example playing sports together) and we organize interesting programs for them. I really enjoy it because it’s always exciting to find a common language and sharing extraordinary moments with the guys.
I also have to admit that in the beginning obviously it was rather difficult since every dav I had to face new problems and challenges, and I had to adapt to different situations. But dealing with them my competences and skills definitely have improved a lot.
During the previous 5 months I’ve really changed much. This was the first time in my life when I’ve had the possiblity to observe the things from an outside point of view: I had to think over what it means being Hungarian or European citizen. It has also made me re-evaluate myself and my relationships with others but due to this I succeeded in realizing what are the most important things in my life and in appreciating more all the things I have.
The other fantastic part of my experience is that I’ve made a lot of acquaintance and friendships with amazing people from different countries all over the world. Just listening to their stories and life-experiences I’ve learned how to be more open-minded and not to take everything evident. I feel my knowledge of the world and of the people really enriched with more aspects and values.
All in all it’s really hard to explain this indescribable experience, therefore my advice simply is to try it!! EVS can turn your world upside-down and it can change your outlook on life and your personality. I have other 7 months until the end of my project but I’m so sure now that it will become an unforgettable memory of my life! Last but not least I would like to thank everyone who made it possible for me: it's really a life-long adventure!