EVS at Villaggio SOS Blog
Hi everyone!
Is dark night and i can't sleep, why not to write some post here. Specialy, when it's passed loooong time what i finaly decided to write one :)

This is not my first choise of project, because i wanted to go to Germany first. But anyway i cant complain and i'm happy to be here, in Vicenza. I'm working at Villaggio SoS Vicenza, with lot of different kids, or also "patate", "stelle" and "banane". Don't ask me, why italian use this for kids, in my language is realy funny :)
First month (maybe 2 monts :-p) it was realy difficult: different people, different language, different tasks. But people here were (and still are) realy welcoming. The same kids, they are so cute, when they want to explain or help me with something. The work with those children is realy hard, speacialy because of language and also because of they personality. But also soooooo beautiful, when small kid, what doesn't even know you ask you to make him/her a hug! Then it is like your own child! The big thanks is also for my first flatmate, what helped me to abituate here. He is like my brother!
Not so late after i met new and new people and i make some connection so i could participate in theater, also with other volunteer and flatmate Hannah from London! This was my dream and i could be part of it!
Also i had some time for traveling, so i can say i love Rome, Venice and also Paris!
Now i'm living with Natasha, from Russia and Adrian from Costarica. But in few weeks Natasha's project will finish, so i'll lose one dear person from our flat.
I don't know what else to say, i'm happy here, enjoying EVS, but still HOME SWEET HOME :)
Enjoy your days and buona fortuna!