EVS in Trento.. Blog
Hello all my volunteer friends :)
I am Demir from Turkey and I am doing my EVS since 1st of September 2011 at Trento.. I have done 4 months in my project and everything was fine. I hope will be like this in my last 2 months in here..

I am working with ufficio di cultura e servizio disabilita with Opera Universitaria di Trento.. We are helping to student who has some disabilities problem, Our task is accompany them for going to University and coming back to home, having a lunch together..We already became friends with them and enjoying a lot of this activities ( not work ).. So I am really happy to live this experience.. Also we are doing some activities with cultural office in University.. The Cultural office organize some events and activities for all students..We are participating to organize and prepare the things for events and sometimes getting role in this events.. Also it is funny to work with cultural office.. by the way the people we work with are really nice..
Well sometimes we faced some problems and difficulties but I think is normal.. These things are parts of your experience as well..
So Evs is really great experience for me to know new people, try to learn a new language, getting use to live in another culture.. If you like to learning by living..You have to do Evs :)
Have great experiences and happy EVS for all..
Best wishes from Trento..