Girl Met World Blog
"Twenty years from now you will be more dissappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails.
Explore.. Dream.. Discover.."
-Mark Twain

Ciao a tutti! I'm Aleyna from İstanbul & i'm 22 years old. I would like to tell you about how the eight months have been spent in Molfetta.
First month was difficult. It's the first time i lived outside of Turkey and without my family. Also i joined the project a month later than other volunteers. Still i was lucky to meet the right people, in the right place. The members of Molfetta Team from different countries and cultures:from Tunusia to Germany. That's why now i can say minimum one word about almost all languages: davay,habibi,joder,gamardschoba and sth..
They have helped me and made all this easier. And that's why, for them, I didn't want to leave this wonderful country,with so many incredible places and memories..
During my project I traveled so many countries and cities. I was able to travel Budapest, Prague, Berlin, Krakow, Wroclaw, Malta, Vienna, Firenze, Cagliari, Milano... Obviously I couldn't travel too easily if I hadn't participated in this project..
I think that doing the EVS in Italy has been one of the best experience and decisions I have made in my whole life. I'm almost sure that i will always say it!
I miss already watching sunset in duomo, grabbing one piece of pizza from "free reggateon place", prefering cremino-cheesecake, going to erasmus parties, having breakfast with cappuccino & un cornetto chocolato and basically everything!
I can only say that every people who want to enjoy and learn life should be part of EVS..