"I am absolutely sure that this year will remain in my memory." - Emma's Experience in Italy Blog
Ciao, my name is Emma. I'm 18 years old and I'm from Germany. Currently, I am volunteering in Trento, a city in the north of Italy. I work in a middle school with children aged 10 to 14.

Last summer, I finished high school and decided to go abroad to volunteer. I chose Italy as my destination to improve my language skills and because I find this country really interesting. I am enjoying experiencing the culture. Living in an apartment with eight other people from five different countries has also taught me a lot about other cultures and how things work in different places.
I also enjoy my work in the school, where I assist the teachers in English and German classes by giving presentations, answering questions, and helping students who need extra support. It is very interesting for me to see the school from a different perspective and to discover the differences between German and Italian schools.
Besides, this is also my first time living away from my family. I have learned a lot about taking care of myself, especially cooking. When I first arrived in this completely new environment, I discovered (and am still discovering) a lot of things about myself.
Last but not least, I have to say that I am so happy to be in Trento. The city is incredibly beautiful, especially with its natural surroundings and stunning mountains. Every time I look at them, I am fascinated again, and I have taken way too many photos of them.
In conclusion, I can say that although everything is not always perfect and I sometimes face challenges, I am really enjoying my time in Italy and learning a lot. I am absolutely sure that this year will remain in my memory.