Mountains know! : ) Blog

Ciao! I am Lara from Armenia. I am really lucky for being part of EVS family. EVS was not just an ordinary passage I made, it has become an important part of me... And now I recall that precious experience of mine with great excitement and enthusiasm. My Volunteering Experience was for one year (started in April 2014, finished in April 2015) and I have realized it in Italy, in the wonderful and mountainous Trento. I was engaged in the work with the elderly in the nursing house, where the scope of my responsibilities consisted of accompanying the elders, taking care of them, organizing daily leisure and handcraft activities or just talk to and be there next to them. I really enjoyed my work, cause first of all I had the possibility to help and listen to. Secondly, I could have the possibility of creating and expressing new ideas, working on them together with the professionals and simultaneously learning from them and getting self-assured and self-matured.
Overall, I enjoyed the whole challenge of EVS I took up, from the very beginning, when I found myself in the surrounding of the huge mountains of amazing Trentino where I should have settled as a new inhabitant dealing with all the intercultural differences and culture shock until taking the first steps of working with elders and trying to be a part of the environment.
I feel very fortunate and happy to confirm that my EVS experience was not only about getting acquainted with new culture, language and people, it had a great impact on my professional and personal growth, mostly, it was about learning and revealing myself. Also, EVS gave me new friends who are family abroad!