after finish my master degree i was thinking to do new experience in my life,by doing an EVS project.

My name is Montassar Barnis, I am 27 years oldand i was volonteer from Tunisia. That did 9 month EVS in a small city MOLFeTTA in the south of Italy, the project was " Stop and Go .
My project took place in the hight school in Molfetta "Itet Salvemini"where i cominicated with the student in french every day, to motivate and help them to improve their fereign language,my role was to assist the teacher in in order to help students improve their french, but it was more than this. This experience gave me so many opportunities to be creative, and share a lot of ideas, to meet amazing young people and to do ather project with them.
I met new friend from different part of the world ,learn Italian language,get to know the culture of different country , and it was a good apportunities to travel .I learnt a lot about Italian culture, every day you learn something new , learnt how to work better with student , to be initiative and not to be afraid to communicate. EVS has also helped me to clarify my priorities and decide what to do next.
this type of projects can teach you alot of things about my next step in my life and show me my road ,I developed my personal and emotional life. By doing EVS you can learn about new cultures, new languages, new skills, you learn a lot about yourself ,and you can adapt to any situation.
It was a great challenge to become an EVS volunteer ,this experience change my life ,I always think only about good things and remember wonderful people .I am really grateful that I was a part of the EVS family.