My EVS experience Blog
I had amazing experience and I would like to share this experience with you

I am Nika from Georgia. My EVS experience in south Italy has started in September and lasted for 9 months. As it usually happens I had a cultural shock from the beginning but other volunteers helped me to overcome this feeling in no time. Of course native organization i had to work with,similarly helped me to overcome any difficulty I have faced. My EVS exchange was about working as a teacher on three different schools. It was good to get familiar with the educational system an culture of Italy. If you plan to visit Italy for such EVS program you will find out that Pasta is your best friend during whole exchange, pizza is as good as you would expect for Italy and people are always friendly in all the parts of Italy. EVS is an opportunity to get a lifetime experience, study foreign language and gain friends with whom you will have wonderful experience.
To reiterate, I have had amazing experience and I have gained significant knowledge. I would advice everyone to take part in such program.