My unforgettable experience Blog
I was a volunteer of EVS from September 2017 till June 2018 in Italy. My project took place at
secodary school in Bisceglie and I lived in a town Molfetta neraby with other volunteers.

The aim of the project was to communicate and so motivate children to use and learn English
language and also help children to get know other cultures. I was working with another volunteer
with who I cooperated during creating activities and projects.
Our usual morning started at 8:15 and finished at 13:15 and it was composed of English lessons,
during which we mostly played linguistic games with children, and of Italian and art lessons. We were
included also in other school activities and projects which took place mainly in the afternoon. At the
end of the school year, we went on some school trips as well. On the whole, working at school was
interesting and fun.
We also organized a pub quiz as a joinig activity. It was quite popular, especially amongs other volunteers and friends, and it was fun as well!
During the project, I met great people and learnt a lot about Italian culture, learnt how to work better
with children, to be initiative and not to be afraid to communicate. EVS has also helped me to clarify
my priorities and decide what to do next.
To become an EVS volunteer is a great challenge, of course. Fortunately, when I think of my experience, I think only about good things that I went trough and I am really grateful that I could be a part of the EVS family.
I recommend EVS to everyone.