"This program helps me discover different aspects of life every day." - Maria volunteering in Italy Blog
Ciao! My name is Maria. I am 24 years old and come from the island of Cyprus.
After completing my studies, I had the chance to be in Florence for a seven-month Erasmus internship.

However, I felt the need to return to Italy and was looking for the right opportunity. I was fortunate enough to learn about the ESC program at an Erasmus Youth Exchange, where everything was explained in detail.
Currently, I am in Bolzano, working as a member of the animation team at an elderly house. Every day, we organize different events for the residents' entertainment, always under the supervision of our work supervisor. We also prepare birthday and other seasonal cards (e.g., carnival, spring).
Importantly, I am "required" to speak Italian at work every day because the elderly residents don't speak English. I feel that my oral skills are improving daily.
Working with elderly people is very rewarding. You have the opportunity to learn about their pasts through meaningful conversations and realize what life was like in Italy years ago.
I am confident that by the end of this experience, I will have gained many more valuable experiences and am looking forward to it!